Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Springfield, Illinois
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Acoustics and AV - Threshold
Architect - Graham & Hyde Architects
21,000 square feet
Anticipated Completion 2021
Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture (IFRAA)
Faith & Form's magazine's "2010 Honor Design Award"
In 2010, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception completed its first major renovation since the original construction in the 1920s. The basilican design of the church is furnished with marble flooring and statuary including a free-standing reredos, mosaic stations of the cross along the side walls, and a highly textured, plaster coffer ceiling.
A new audio system, utilizing zoned column arrays located close to the congregation, provides excellent clarity as well as the ability to turn off coverage to the rear half of the pews for lightly attended services.
New and shaped GFRG panels replace old absorption over the sanctuary and front area of the nave to control echoes from the high ceiling yet support non-amplified music and voice. Other absorption on the nave ceiling has been removed and the original plaster resurfaced to provide better support for congregational singing and enhanced projection for the choir and future new organ in the rear balcony.
A new entry and gathering space doubles as overflow seating for holiday services and an intimate space for school events while alleviating long-time access problems for patrons and visitors.