Brandon Cudequest

Senior Consultant

Brandon’s early love for music came out of a household appreciation for theatre. Soon enough he was performing in choirs, forming bands, and writing songs. A summer program at Berklee College of Music led to a fascination with film and music, and a Recording Arts major at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Brandon discovered acoustics as a Junior in a class titled “The Nature of Sound,” on architectural acoustics and psychoacoustics. From there he realized there were reasons he heard what he heard. His next discovery was the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Architectural Acoustics program, where he received his Master’s degree. Los Angeles called him back and for almost three years he worked with MCH as an acoustics consultant, focusing on K-12 and Higher Ed Performing Arts venues with particular interest in renovations. 

Brandon is active in several professional societies, including local AES and ASHRAE chapters. He also served as the Technical Program Chair for the first Acoustics Virtually Everywhere Meeting sponsored by ASA.

Recent Projects

The University of Chicago Rubenstein Forum

Spelman College Center for Innovation and the Arts

Omaha Performing Arts Campus Expansion